
It is natural for people to encounter their problems through relationships as a way to understand, and ally against, what they are up against. Life isn’t always sustainable, and we don’t have an instruction manual for how it affects us. People are diverse in what they need, how they tick, where they break down, and what will make their life feel worth living. As a fellow traveler, I seek to understand and affirm your experience to understand how I can ally with you to help your unique life become more meaningfully sustainable.

Clinical issues

I work with people who experience a variety of life’s challenges:

  • Depression & anxiety, typically related to-

  • Feelings of stuckness & entrapment

  • Alienation & loneliness

  • Confidence issues & imposter syndromes

  • Traumatic stress from adverse experiences or circumstances

I specialize in:

  • Neurodiverse diagnoses like ADHD & ASD

  • Neurodiverse spectrum issues facing thinkers & creatives

  • Yes, I currently accept your Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna or Cigna insurance.

  • I currently charge $150 per session.

  • There are a variety of modalities in this work, but many clinicians can reduce the person to the theory, rather than the reverse. I believe in being integrative & flexible to best understand your unique person and challenges. I use a relational approach that is affirming, contextual, non-pathological and future-focused. I’ve also developed a model over twenty years that is uniquely suited to understanding your individual differences, strengths and challenges. Consequently, my work is simultaneously evidence-based, while also being uniquely empowering, optimistic and de-pathologizing through a innovative and proprietary blend of theory and practice.

  • My research has focused on understanding how people naturally have a variety of dynamics to their life that can be more or less sustainable for a variety of reasons. I use a deep understanding of how this applies to different aspects of life to affirm that you are not deficient or flawed, but often predictably reacting to unsustainable circumstances; removing stigma and co-constructing a productive understanding is often the first step to a positive relationship built on supporting the difficult work of making life more sustainable and meaningful.